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What are dentures

What are dentures?

A denture is a fantastic option used to replace missing teeth within the mouth. The main difference between a denture and other tooth replacement options is that dentures can be taken in and out of the mouth. There are several different types of dentures and they are mostly made of metal or acrylic. Dentures are designed to perfectly fit the shape of your mouth and can thus help you chew and smile confidently.


What are the 3 types
of dentures?


Complete Dentures - Complete dentures are made for people who no longer have any remaining teeth. They are generally made of a high-strength acrylic material and can be designed for both the upper and lower jaw.

They are perfectly designed for the shape and size of your gums and jaw and once fitted allow you to talk, eat and smile confidently.

Complete Dentures Complete Dentures

Metal Partial Denture - A metal partial denture can be used when you have both missing teeth and natural teeth. A metal framework and clasps are used to clasp onto the remaining teeth. This provides both support and stability for the denture. It is important to remember that the metal framework is hidden and natural-looking gums and teeth allow you to smile with confidence.

Metal Partial Denture Metal Partial Denture

Plastic Partial Denture - A plastic partial is very similar to a metal partial denture except the framework is only made of acrylic as opposed to metal. Although the functionality is similar to a metal denture, plastic dentures are not as strong. They are also not able to clasp onto the adjacent teeth as well thus leading to slightly less stability.

Plastic Partial Denture Plastic Partial Denture
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Why do I need to replace missing teeth?

Over time, you may notice several of the following issues if you do not replace missing teeth:

  • Neighbouring teeth tilt and tip
  • Bone loss in the surrounding area
  • Over-eruption of the opposing tooth
  • Food trap and bacteria accumulation in the area where the tooth is missing
  • Excess strain on the remaining teeth

For these reasons, Dazzling Smiles Dental highly recommends that you replace all missing teeth.

How much do dentures cost?


On average, the price for a denture varies between $1100 to $1800

Several factors influence the cost of the denture such as:

  • Number of teeth being replaced
  • Type of denture being made
  • Materials of the denture
  • Amount of clasping and support required

Our team suggests a no-obligation consultation so we can advise the best option for you!

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How Do I clean and maintain my denture?

Dentures are very easy to maintain.

Firstly, we recommend that before going to bed, all dentures whether they are full or partial, be removed and kept in a slightly moist environment. This will allow your gums to rest and breathe and prevent bacteria and fungus from accumulating throughout the night.

Twice a day along with your normal hygiene routine, you should clean your denture with warm water and a soft toothbrush.

What are the alternatives to dentures?

  • dentures
  • dentures

If you want something fixed, we
have options for you!

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We like to think of ourselves as your family dentist. We provide general dentistry for your day-to-day needs, and cosmetic dentistry for those looking to transform their smiles. Our commitment is to providing amazing dental care and making you feel as comfortable as possible!

If you need help, give us a call now!

Call Us Now: (03)80878455