Wisdom Teeth Removal
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wisdom teeth

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that erupt into the mouth. They are also known as 3rd molars.

Most people have 4 wisdom teeth that usually erupt at the age of 21 however many people may have less or no wisdom teeth.

When these teeth erupt into the mouth, they may cause pain and inflammation.

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Why do wisdom teeth hurt?


1. Infection

It is often difficult to clean the very back of the mouth. This means that food and bacteria can often get trapped around the wisdom tooth and under any skin growing over the tooth. This bacteria may lead to infection, pain and swelling.

Damage to adjacent teeth

2. Damage to adjacent teeth

As a wisdom tooth is erupting into the mouth, they may press against the adjacent molars causing damage and pain.


3. Cysts

If your wisdom tooth has a cyst forming around it, there can be substances released which eat away the surrounding bone. This will cause further pain, infection and swelling.


4. Crowding

As the wisdom tooth erupts into the mouth, it can push nearby teeth out of place causing crowding and pain.

What is the process for wisdom
teeth removal?


When you arrive for a wisdom tooth extraction the first step is to take an x-ray so the dentist can visualize the entire tooth under the bone. This is so we can determine the quickest and safest way to remove the tooth.


The tooth and surrounding area is completely numbed so the tooth removal will be totally painless and comfortable.


Using specialized equipment, our highly trained dentist will remove the tooth along with infection. This will also help to relieve you of any pain you may have been experiencing.


The dentist will give you instructions on how to take care of the area after extraction, and how to best manage any post-operative pain or swelling.

wisdom teeth removal

Aftercare for wisdom teeth removal?


  • 24 hours after your extraction, rinse with warm salty water 3 times a day.
  • Only consume soft foods for the first 48 hours
  • At your dentist's instruction, take painkillers every 4 hours to manage pain.
  • Cold or Heat packs can be used to lessen swelling


  • No smoking, drinking or vaping for 72 hours
  • Avoid hard, chewy or spicy foods for 48 hours as the extraction socket can be tender
  • No rinsing, spitting or brushing for 24 hours to avoid recurrent bleeding from the extration site

How much does it cost to remove
a wisdom tooth?

wisdom tooth extractions

Simple wisdom tooth extractions can be as little as $200. However, more complicated extractions can range between $350 and $550.

The cost of wisdom tooth extractions varies from patient to patient and is based on several factors.

  • The position of the tooth within the mouth
  • The shape of the roots and crown
  • The position of nerves in relation to the tooth

We like to think of ourselves as your family dentist. We provide general dentistry for your day-to-day needs, and cosmetic dentistry for those looking to transform their smiles. Our commitment is to providing amazing dental care and making you feel as comfortable as possible!

If you need help, give us a call now!

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